Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Visual Arts - Hunter 1A - Hunter showed focus, enthusiasm and dedication in art. He created a fantastic and detailed patchwork animal which looked amazing and was a fabulous role model to his peers. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”. Congratulations Hunter!
Performing Arts - Coen 2A - for being a superstar in Performing Arts! He took pride in sharing his knowledge of dynamics used in music and demonstrated fantastic rhythm on his instrument. Keep up the good work, Coen!
Chinese - Max 5C for being such a good learner this week. Max made a great effort in preparing for his Chinese oral exam. He knew what he was expecting and reached the learning goal. He demonstrated a smooth conversation with his partner. Keep up the good work!!
LLI (Year 3 & Year 5) - Fatima 5B for your continued hard work and persistence in LLI classes. Keep working hard & reading everyday!
LLI (Year 2) - Syleena 2A for consistently arriving at her LLI lessons ready to listen and learn. You should feel very proud of the effort you are putting in, Syleena!
6A - Elianna for consistently showing an exemplary standard of bookwork. Thankyou for taking pride in your work.
6B - Erick for consistently giving all learning tasks 100% effort and for having a positive mindset. Keep being an awesome leader.
6C - Ayman for being a self regulated learner who always strives to do his best. Keep up the phenomenal effort Ayman!
5A - Hyab for a wonderful start to Deer Park West Primary School. Hyab, you are a polite, thoughtful and attentive student who has settled into the classroom with patience, effort and persistence. It is great to have another fabulous role model for our juniors at our school and I look forward to working with you. Well done Hyab!
5B - Tharu for being a kind and considerate classmate. You are a fantastic friend and always willing to help others. You dedicated 100% effort to your work and actively seek feedback to improve your work each week. Well done Tharu!
5C - Jeslyn for taking pride in her work and being proactive when she is unsure of the next step. Well done for working hard and being a great role model.
4A - Bosilija for showing great resilience and determination during Reading, Writing and Maths this week. She made excellent learning progress this week! Well done with your efforts Bosilija! Keep reaching high!
4B - Vernika for showing such great kindness and thoughtfulness towards her peers. Vernika you come in every morning with a smile on your face which makes other people want to smile too! Thank you for being a great friend.
4C - Bill for demonstrating integrity and resilience in your learning this week. You worked hard and showed remarkable effort, especially during Maths this week. Your never-give-up attitude helped you overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Well done, Bill, keep up the awesome work!
3A - Finlea for her resilience shown during Writing lessons. She is continuing to work on her writing stamina and should be very proud of her efforts. Well done, Finlea!
3B - Icy for the excellent role model you have been in class. It is great to see you collaborating with lots of your peers, and showing kindness to those around you. Amazing work, Icy!
2C - Joseph for his amazing work in Maths this week! He puts in his best effort every time and continues to challenge himself. Well done and keep up the great work, Joseph!
2B - Tiana for her consistent dedication and her hard work towards her goals in reading. Keep it up Tiana
2A - Catherine for always putting in 100% of effort every time and showing so much pride in her work. She gives challenges activities a go and strives to learn new things, well done!
1A - Arya for her incredible effort when writing a recount this week. She included adjectives to make her writing interesting and took pride in her learning. Well done Arya!
FA - Theresa for having a great attitude towards her learning and always trying her best. Well done!
FB - Hevani for demonstrating resilience. In Reading, Hevani persisted to solve unknown words. She practised using her letter-sound knowledge to read CVC words. Great effort Hevani!