Challenge of the Week

Challenge of the Week
Each student who attempts the Weekly Challenge and hands in their answer page on time, will earn a PAC.
Boggle Word Challenge - Week 4
The students who participated in Week 4 challenge were:
- Emily 1A
- Liam 1A
- Boston, Elizabeth, Ella,
Kim & Francois 5A
- Sabrina 3C (Mum & Dad
*There were a few 6 letter words found in this week’s Boggle including SHARKS and SHADES, as well as a super 7 letter word: HARDEST.
Thank you for taking part.
Thank you for taking part.
Sharon McLeod
2024 Week 4 - Challenge of the Week
Here is this week’s Boggle gameboard. You use the letters in the boggle grid to make words and gain points. How many points do you think that you will be able to score?
Here are the rules for Boggle:
- The letters in the words must be connected in the same order in the grid.
- The letters can be connected by an edge or a corner.
- The word doesn't have to appear in a straight line. It can be tangled around.
- Each letter in the word must uniquely appear in the grid. For example, if the word is ERASE, the letter E must appear twice in the grid. The word can't just loop back and re-use the same E.
- Words must be at least 3 letters long
- Here's an example of finding the word CAR.
Once you have found as many words as you can, bring your word list to the ‘Challenge’ box in the corridor by recess on Thursday. Each student will receive a PAC card for taking up the challenge.