Swimming Information

Dear Parents,


On Monday, 20 May we start our annual swimming lessons. 

We will be travelling to PARC by bus every day for the week for five 45 minute swimming lessons. 


Students will be assigned a small group based on the ability forms that have been completed online via the link sent out of seesaw. 


Swimming lessons are an important part of our Physical Education curriculum and all students are expected to attend. 


Please see the information below.


Date: Monday 20 May- Friday 24 May

Time: Grade 5/6: 10:30am-11:15am

            Grade 3/4: 11:15pm- 12:00pm

Location: Peninsula Aquatic and Recreation Centre (PARC)

Transport: Bus

Students will need to bring: 

  • a small separate swimming bag with their towel, goggles,
  • a plastic bag for their wet bathers and towel, underwear to put on after swimming and
  • anything else they need to get changed after swimming lessons. 

Students will not be able to shower at PARC so they will not need shampoo etc.


Uniform: Students are required to wear their full St Anne’s Sports Uniform. They should wear their bathers under their uniform in the morning and bring underwear to change into after swimming lessons.


Lunch: Students will have eating time before and after swimming lessons and should pack their lunch in their school bag as usual.


Any questions can go to Brooke Ary at bary@saseaford.catholic.edu.au


Thanks in advance,

Brooke Ary