Lindy Burke

It’s hard to believe we are halfway through Term 2. The year is going by so quickly, while it still only seems like yesterday when we were welcoming students back to school for the 2024 school year. As the weather is getting cooler and jumpers and jackets are being worn to school in the mornings and often shed throughout the day, please make sure that your child/ren’s uniforms are clearly named so that they can be returned quickly when left outside in the yard. It is frustrating to see so many items without names in lost property. 

Semester 1 Reports

Teachers are busy finalising student assessment data in preparation for our Semester 1 reports. Over the next couple of weeks, all teachers will be working in Professional Learning Teams to moderate student data, in order to make consistent and comparable judgements of student learning against the Victorian Curriculum. We look forward to sharing your child’s learning journey with you in their Semester 1 report which will be released via SENTRAL at the end of this term. Thursday 27th of June is a pupil free day to support our Parent Teacher Interviews / Student Lead conferences. More information regarding booking interview times will be available closer to the date.

School Events

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Echuca East, with our Mother’s Day Celebrations,  Author visit, various Cross-Country events, Data Week, National Simultaneous Storytime and not to mention the successful Soccer Tournament on Tuesday, just to name a few!


Looking ahead, next week we celebrate National Reconciliation Week. This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Teachers and students will be learning about National Reconciliation Week throughout the week, including National Sorry Day which falls on Sunday 26th May. Our Level 4 students will be attending the Campaspe Reconciliation Walk on Monday, joining in on the celebrations at the Hopwood Gardens at the conclusion of the walk. Such a wonderful opportunity for our students to engage with and learn about the importance of reconciliation within our community.


Both Covid and Gastro are again making their unwelcome presence felt, with multiple staff and students currently absent from school for this reason. Please assist us in preventing the spreading of these illnesses by keeping your child home if they are experiencing any of the associated symptoms.