The Art Room

Term 2

The Art Room is crawling with bugs!

Thankfully, the bugs are of the artistic kind, made by our clever kids at Mullum. Take a look at the Grade 1 and 2 Leaf Bugs made with nature found right here in our playground.

Grade 3 and 4 are starting a new project, taking inspiration from local artist, Clare James, and her love for the environment and her passion for the creatures with whom we share our world. We are examining the world of slugs! Perhaps you may not appreciate the slugs that eat your veggie seedlings. Perhaps you may more than appreciate the artistry of our design sketches and watercolours of these beautiful slugs.

Rolling, moulding and pressing plasticine was tricky but fun for our Foundation students. Look at the beautiful circle studies they have made. We have taken inspiration from artist Wassily Kandinsky who used music to inspire his work.


See you next time with more Art Room news


Deanne Lawn

Visual Arts