Science Enrichment

The Yr 8 Science Investigation class has been busy conducting their independent investigations. In small groups students had to design an investigation based on a testable question – this is a question that could be answered by the results of their experiment. They came up with a great variety of experiments, including  

Which activator makes the best slime? 

What is the best sanitiser to prevent bacterial growth? 

How does the concentration of an acid affect the metal magnesium? 

Which activator causes more reaction in elephant’s toothpaste? 

Does the amount of glue affect the bounce of bouncy balls? 

How does alka seltzer affect the bubbles in a lava lamp? 


Each group wrote a comprehensive method and developed a Risk Assessment for their experiment to ensure that they were working safely in the lab. They then ran their experiment 3 times in order to get reliable results. In the coming weeks students will be busy presenting their findings in a Scientific Poster, as well as developing a visual flow-diagram using photos of their procedure and results. These will both be displayed at the end of the term. 


The Yr 7 groups are excited to begin their experiments this week. 



Kirrilly Simmons 

Head of Science