Library Report

This term has kicked off with a bang in the Greensborough College library with a number of key events and processes being completed. We have successfully completed an update of our non-fiction resources to make it easier for all of our students and staff to find specific items to assist them with their areas of study. We also are looking to increase the number of books catalogued as part of the 7-9 Renaissance reading program. This work will involve auditing, weeding and purchasing of appropriate resources. This will also help us to find any gaps in our resource coverage to inform the process of purchasing current and accurate resources.   



The library has also hosted events for IDAHOBIT and Reconciliation Week in conjunction with the Wellbeing Team. As can be seen on our social media accounts, students were involved with badge making, quizzes and a photobooth. It's always great to see Greensborough College students getting involved in events and causes as part of their education and I thank all of the students and staff who came along.   


Moving forward we look forward to continuing our work with the Wellbeing Team to support student events and engage our school community in a variety of causes and initiatives within the library space.  


Georgia Coutts

Library Technician