Careers Expo 

On Friday the 3rd of May  our Year 12s headed to the VCE & Careers Expo, now hosted at Melbourne’s Convention & Exhibition Centre.  With major Australian universities, TAFEs and other training exhibitors in attendance, students had access to speak with organisations which can help them in the next step of their pathways.  Also in attendance were the Australian Defence Force, Victorian Police, Ambulances and more.   


Students could either speak with these organisations on the Convention Floor or attend a range of lectures and workshops.  Some of these workshops explored career opportunities and universities.  But other lectures focused on preparing students for their final VCE Exams at the end of the year.  There was something for every student to learn about on this excursion.   


Thank you to Ms Alexander, Mr Ellul, Mr McLean & Di Zuell for all of your support and hard work preparing and managing this excursion. 



Andrew Ericksen 

Learning Specialist