ABCN Women's Mentoring

In Term 1, Greensborough College again partnered with the Australian Business Council Network (ABCN) in their Focus 2 program.  This program has our female students in Year 11 and 12 connect with women in business who act as mentors to help students develop their communication skills, leadership skills and learn about potential career pathways.  This year, our students were mentored by the investment firm, Vanguard.  


Over one Zoom workshop our students got to know their Vanguard mentors and engage in a range of activities.  From there, our students travelled to Vanguard’s offices in the city and participated in two more workshops.  Some of the topics explored included ‘Authentic Leadership’, ‘Stress Management’ and ‘Assertive Conversations in the Workplace’.  It was a fantastic opportunity for our students thanks to the ABCN & Vanguard. 


Andrew Ericksen 

Learning Specialist