Principal's Report

National Reconciliation Week 27th May – 3rd June 

National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 

The dates for NRW remain the same each year as these dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey – the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively. 

The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue. 

There have been many moments in Australia’s reconciliation journey that make us want to turn away. But when things are divisive, the worst thing we can do is disengage or disconnect. 

Reconciliation supporters must stand up to defend and uphold the rights of First Nations peoples. To call out racism wherever we encounter it, and to actively reinforce the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across this continent. 

Now more than ever, the work continues. In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.   

Now more than ever, we need reconciliation. 


National Sorry Day Thursday 26th May 


Every year on 26 May, National Sorry Day remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’. 


National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. While this date carries great significance for the Stolen Generations and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, it is also commemorated by Australians right around the country. 


“At Greensborough College, we fly the Aboriginal flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag, with the Australian Flag. At all of our events and ceremonies, we perform an “Acknowledgement of Country” that honours the traditional custodians of the land.   



Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day 

Every day, education support staff work to keep our schools running, support our students to learn and our teachers to teach. We have Education Support Personnel in our school working in a range of roles. We want to acknowledge their hard work and let them know they are appreciated and valued in our work place.   

To all of our Education Support Personnel we THANK YOU for everything you do for students, staff and the school community. 

Michelle Gambin, Trish Bennett, Colleen Wiegand, Helen Constantinou, Sienna Muratore, Karla Stapleton Georgia Coutts, Amany ShafikJ, Jane Alexander, Di Zuell, Sue Davison, Lauren Hall, Matthew McKay, Amy Nguyen,Neo Stewart, Natalie Cogley, Mal Williams, Nick Dimarco, Meg Crupi, Savannah Cleary, Merinda Brown, Eleni Glossis , Charlie Le , Ash Flentjar, Jess Manzie, Sarah Dodd, Sam Harrison, Sonny Igusti, Thomas Swain and Anastasia Piccioni. 


Recognition of Service 


It was with pride and humility that I received the 40 Year Service Award on Sunday afternoon.  The Recognition of Service Awards were presented to those in the Department who have served in public education for 40, 45, 50 and 55 years.  Deputy Premier and Education Minister, Ben Carroll, presented the awards.  


To have had a career in public education for 40 years is one I am extremely proud of and I am very happy to talk to any staff member, student or parent who is curious about public education, teaching and the impact on students. On a regular basis I run into people I have taught over the years and it excites me to chat to them about where they are at now and of their memories of schooling.  I am privileged and honoured to have served the Greensborough College community for the past eight years with a few more years to come.  I would like to thank everyone for their congratulatory wishes over the past weeks. 



Term Two Highlights 


We have had an amazing term of activities, events and achievements so far. 


Explore Night was a very successful event with high numbers of prospective students and families in attendance.  We had subject stalls, activities and presentations with students leading the way with the tours and interactive performances.  It was one of the best Explore Nights ever.  Preliminary numbers for Year 7 in 2025 are very promising.  Throughout term one and term two we conducted 19 school tours with 152 families attending.  41 student leaders also conducted the tours alongside the leadership team and feedback from the tours has been extremely positive. 


Sporting achievements. Our students have thrived in the sporting arena this year with the following students achieving outstanding results. 

Division Athletics 

Deena Gerges, Kobi Gibson, Josh Fitzgerald and Ryan Commandeur who all set new records  

Aaron Bazenski, Blake McDonald, Leigh-roy Roe, Peta Havern, Archie Cook, Casey Dunell, Jacob Norton and Dakota Edmonds who all took out a first place. 


Amity and Ashley Lansbury representing Team Vic at the Nationals in July 


Ryan Commandeur representing Northern Knights in The Coates Talent League 

Junior girls’ football team progressing to regional competitions 


Performing Arts. Two students have been selected in the State School Spectacular this year. We wish them all the 

best with the show and in the lead up during rehearsals. Congratulations to Alex-Nutman-Brown who has been  

selected for a role in the core performing company and Thomas Lambourn who has been selected in the Backstage 

Crew.  This week is School Production Week with performances on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.  

The show is The Addams Family, which the students have been rehearsing for since term 1.  It is always a wonderful 

show and I encourage everyone to purchase tickets and be amazed by our talented students. 


Camps Program 

We are thrilled to announce the following camps for 2025.  We are well underway with securing student numbers 

for all of the camps and I encourage students and families to take up this fantastic opportunity to build on life-long 

learning by participating in a camp (or two).  

Year 7 Phillip Island 

Year 8-Safety Beach  

Year 9 City Camp  

Year 7-12 Snow Camp 

Plans are also underway for a Northern Territory Camp in 2025 and an Italy trip in 2026. 


IDAHOBIT stands for the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia. It is 

observed on May 17th each year and is dedicated to raising awareness about the discrimination and violence that 

LGBTQ+ people still face around the world. The College ran several events and programs in recognition of 

IDAHOBIT Day. Connect and Focused Learning (FLT) classes delivered a presentation. Three spaces were set up 

throughout the school to support IDAHOBIT day in the wellbeing centre, the library and the study centre. Each week 

we also have a Rainbow Space for our young people to gather with staff and friends. 


Clubs are thriving at Greensborough College.  Presently we have clubs that focus on Dungeons and Dragons, e-games, art, science, books, homework and breakfast to name a few.  Two new clubs have emerged because students have asked for them.  One is the Disability Education Team and another is the Writer’s Collective.  Clubs run before school (Breakfast), recess (Writer’s Collective), lunchtimes and after school (Homework) giving students a range of options for engaging and connecting with school and their peers. 



We have welcome new staff into the school as staff have left or moved into other positions.  They are 

Michelle Gambin - Business Manager 

Karla Stapleton – Executive Assistant to the Principal 

Helen Constantinou – Reception and Office Administration 

Sienna Muratore – Office Administration 

Sarah Dodd – Education Support and Pre-Service Teacher 

Sam Harrison – Education Support and Pre-Service Teacher 

Natalie Cogley – Education Support 


We would like to thank the following staff for their service to the College and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours. 


Louisa Tanner (Office) transferred to Essendon Keilor College 

Brinnah Kavanagh – Leave Without Pay until 2026. 

Kerry Trevaskis – Long Service Leave and Retirement 


Pupil Free Day – Friday 7th June 

This date has been approved by School Council as one of the four designated Pupil Free Days for the year.  On this day the school will be closed as all staff undertake professional development and training off site.   

The school will re-open on Tuesday 11th June at 8.30 am following the public holiday for the King’s Birthday.