
Student of the Week Awards - Week 7

FMM - Artie B

1/2K - Annabel L

1/2T - Imran

3/4L - Finella

3/4J - Vivian M

3/4B - Elira N

3/4S - Evelyn

Birthdays Week 6

Happy Birthday to ......

Ben B

Felix R

Ethan VR

Mischa B


In Foundation literacy we have been learning about rhyme. Here is some wonderful published work from FJ, writing their own rhymes for the song ‘Down by the Bay’. If you ask them nicely, they might even sing it to you!


Down by the bay

Where the watermelons grow

Back to my home

I dare not go

For if I do

My mother will say

"Did you ever see…



This week some of our students went on to Division Cross Country and competed at Banyule Flats Reserve against other students.

Congratulations to the following students who placed:

Theo C placing 16th

Oscar P placing 17th

Arlo L placing 39th



Well done to Claude M who placed 5th and will continue onto Regional Cross Country




Student Learning- ART

The 1/2 classes have been creating some beautiful geodes using oil pastels, pencils textas, and watercolours. They have been focusing on the art elements ‘colour’ and ‘line’ to create these layered and bright pieces. Don’t they look amazing?!





Art Club during Monday's Lunchtime session is a favourite here with a large group of the students attending. 

A picture of this week's Art Club.