Message from the Principal Team

Week 7 Term 2
Year 5/6 Camp
The Year 5/6 students have been having a ball at Camp Wyuna. This camp is located at the entrance of Queenscliff, set amongst the dunescape, and has direct access to Port Phillip Bay foreshore. It’s a really action-packed camp and we look forward to hearing about many adventures at camp when they return.
Call for Nominations for Community Member Vacancy on School Council
The CNPS School Council currently has a Community Member Vacancy and we are actively seeking any interested members of our community (parents/carers included) to nominate for this role.
Community members are co-opted by School Council and typically bring special skills, interests or experience to the council. The CNPS School Council is pursuing a community member who may have specific expertise in the areas of Wellbeing and Inclusion, Grant Submission and Writing or Digital Technology skills. If you are interested in nominating a member of the school community of self-nominating please email Rachel at no later than 4pm Thursday 6 June.
Community members generally have the same rights, responsibilities and terms of office as elected members unless otherwise provided in Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils (DOCX). If we receive more than one nomination, School Council will conduct an election process with Council members to vote for their preferred nominee.
Further information about the role of School Council can be found at the weblink below:
LGBTIQA+ Inclusion at CNPS
As a school community, we strive to foster a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their background or identity, feels valued and supported.
Every person should be treated with respect, kindness, and acceptance. This includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer, questioning and asexual (LGBTIQA+) students, staff and parents/carers.
An environment where all can thrive
The reasons for being inclusive go beyond legal requirements. We know that having an inclusive school allows students and staff to thrive and do their best work. This is why we have made a conscious effort to create a welcoming and supportive environment.
Parents and carers can create a positive and respectful environment for learning and work by treating all students, staff and other members of the school community with respect.
We believe that it is important to teach our students about acceptance, respect and inclusivity. By doing so, we are not only creating a safe and supportive environment now, but also preparing students to thrive in a diverse global society.
Zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment and bullying
The Department of Education (the department) and all Victorian government schools are committed to creating safe, respectful and inclusive places of learning and work.
The Child Safe Standards and the department’s equal opportunity and anti-discrimination policy (for students and employees) and the law mandate that schools must provide a safe and inclusive environment for all.
We have zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment and bullying of any kind at our school. We are committed to respecting the uniqueness of each individual, regardless of their gender identity, sexuality, background or their religious beliefs.
For more about our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive school, please see for further information.
Challenge Partner for Ivanhoe East Primary School’s School Review
On Tuesday, Rachel attended the first day (Validation Day) of Ivanhoe East Primary School’s Review as a challenge partner. All Victorian Government Schools undertake a school review every 4 years to inform the directions of the school’s 4-year School Strategic Plan (SSP). A review is facilitated by an independent School Reviewer with a panel comprising the Principal, School Council President, Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), and Challenge Partners. The panel considers the school’s Pre Review Self Evaluation and undertakes fieldwork activities such as classroom observations, focus groups and interviews. The review concludes with a report proposing draft goals, targets and key improvement strategies for the school’s next SSP.
Participating in a School Review as a Challenge Partner is a fantastic opportunity not only to share knowledge and experience in leading school improvement but also as a professional learning opportunity to see exemplar teaching and learning practices at other schools.
Improving the Behaviour and Engagement of Boys
Last Friday, Jane and Billy attended a Improving the Behaviour and Engagement of Boys workshop run by the Positive Masculinity Foundation. The Foundation’s belief is that when we help boys and young men, we also help to form a more inclusive, safe and respectful society for all. Jane and Billy were pleased to note that much of the information during the day’s sessions tied in with the current teaching and learning within Respectful Relationships, our school values and the School Wide Positive Behaviours CNPS framework.
Yarra Darebin Principal Network Conference
Next Thursday and Friday, Rachel and Jane will be attending the Yarra Darebin Principal Network Conference. The program includes the following keynote speakers:
- Dr Paul Browning who will be focusing on trust-based leadership
- Mark “ Squiz” Squirrell OAM addressing leadership in extreme situations
- Regional Director, Angela Singh
- Tracey Ezard author of Ferocious Warmth -School Leaders Who Inspire and Transform
The Principal Team