Athletics Day Reflections

Find out what our students thought of Albanvale's first Athletics Day

High Jump

Written by Afreen and Nabeeha


We enjoyed the high jump event, even though it was difficult for us. We still had lots of fun with our friends while participating in this sport. Many other students in different teams enjoyed this sport too. For high jump there is a pole with a big soft mat for you to land on. The aim of high jump is to clear the pole without knocking it off and jumping as high as your peers. If you get 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place, you will receive a ribbon and add points to your house colour. We had a lot of fun and the review of the high jump is 10/10.




100m Sprint

Written by Karim and DJ


The 100m sprint was a fun competition where we challenged the other house colours. For the 100-metre race we went to the Keilor Park athletics track. The 100-metre race was competitive throughout the race. Keilor Park athletics track was an exciting venue to host our school athletics day. Keilor Park is a place where you can experience different kinds of activities during the athletics day. For one of the activities, we did the 100-metre dash. For the 100-metre dash you must wait for the whistle and after you line up in the starting line. Once the whistle is blown then you run as fast as you can to the finish line to try and get first place. We had a lot of fun.




Written by Alena and Sara


Discus was a fun and pleasant activity that everyone could participate in. Discus looks like it can make students get scared because they will think that they will not have the skills and power to throw it. But it was a very good experience and people had a great time playing it. After a couple of throws, we started to become more confident and overall enjoyed the experience.




Shot Put

Written by Soraya


Shot Put was another event we participated in during our Athletics day. When you play shot put, first you will be given a very heavy metal ball. Next you will need to use all your might and push the metal ball forward so that it will land on the sand and then the people will measure the length of where it landed. You will get rewarded when you throw the ball the furthest. Overall, I think that the shot put was easy but fun.




400m Relay

Written by Jesse John


The 400m Relay race was a competitive race where students of all different grades raced each other. It was quite fun to race and overtake people. The students who raced competed against their own year level in different house colours. The 400m Relay race is also where you pass a baton to a teammate. Your teammate stands 100m away from you in the race as well. In my own experience, I have made up plenty of ground. Passing from 4th to 2nd place. I personally think this was the best activity of the whole athletics carnival because I enjoyed the competitiveness of the racing, and it was quite fun passing the other students