Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,


With Term Two nearing a close we have been celebrating the amazing growth our students have made in their learning over the first half of the year. During Achievement Week all students underwent testing which assists our teaching team celebrate our learning successes. Teachers use this information to finalise reports (which will be available Monday 24 June) and set goals for the students learning for the coming semester. It also provides all teachers with a great base to discuss your child's learning with you at our upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. You can find out more about how to book these in the newsletter.


Safety at school pick up and drop off

By now I am sure you are all aware of the road works taking place outside the main gate on Dover St. While we wait (patiently) for these roadworks to finish we all need to act responsibly and safely during school drop off and pick up. Even with the reduced car access we still need parents and carers to ensure they drive into the designated bays before their children get out of and into cars. Now could be a great time to give walking to school a try and avoid the roadworks completely!


Wheel of Attendance

All students and families at the school on Monday afternoon would have heard two of our

Jenaaly and Tamara letting the school community know about the return of the Wheel of Attendance
Jenaaly and Tamara letting the school community know about the return of the Wheel of Attendance

 amazing Junior School Improvement Team (JSIT) remind everyone about the importance of coming to school everyday. To encourage every student to attend school for two weeks straight (that's only 10days!) we are reinventing the Wheel of Attendance! Every student who attends school everyday for the whole ten days will be listed on the Wheel. At every assembly we will spin the wheel and if you're the lucky person it lands on you win a prize!


Now that I've reminded everybody of the importance of going to school, please remember we have a Curriculum Day on Friday 7th June and the King's Birthday Public Holiday on Monday 10th June. So don't send your children to school on these days! Enjoy the extra long weekend.



Thank you for helping us Achieve Excellence, Together.