Gab Espenschied
Gab Espenschied
Dear Parents,
Congratulations to Maia and Grace for participating in the Sacrament of Eucharist on Sunday at Hastings and Ryan who will receive the Sacrament at Shoreham.
Celebrating Eucharist fosters a culture of prayer and spiritual growth within the school community. We encourage members to pray for one another, to share their faith journeys, and to support each other in their spiritual growth.
We seek to build school communities that reach out to those in need and support a spirit of inclusivity and hospitality. We foster a sense of belonging, knowing that we are all members of the same body.
By our living of the Eucharist, we create school communities that are vibrant, welcoming and spiritually enriching, reflecting the love and light of Jesus Christ.
We invite all of our community to our celebration of Eucharist this Friday at 2pm where our 1/2 students will lead us in a celebration of Reconciliation.
We had a wonderful twilight open night last Wednesday with many families visiting our beautiful school. Matt cooked dinner for our visitors and many of our staff stayed to assist on the night. A big shout out to our Year 6 volunteers who were absolutely brilliant running tours on the night.
We also had a School Advisory Council and welcomed some new members to the team. We look forward to working with you throughout the remainder of the year to ensure we work together in partnership. The SAC decided on focussing all fundraising this year towards the completion of the boundary fencing.
Please support our upcoming Social night on Saturday 15th June. It is set to be a wonderful evening. You do not need to have a whole table together to book. Just jump on and get a ticket and we will make sure you are connected and looked after on the night.
Yours in Partnership