Principal's Address

Hello Everyone,
The days are getting shorter and the mornings are very cool. I love this time of the year. This change in weather means that we only have 4 weeks of school before the winter break. Everyday counts at this time of the term as we finish our units and begin assessments. In saying this, please put your children’s health first. If they are unwell, it is ok to keep them at home. Please also ensure all winter uniforms are labelled with your child’s name.
Variety Bash
A huge thank you must go to Diana and Bruce and the P&C for the amazing catering job last week. Everyone I spoke to raved about the food. It was a big job to feed almost 300 people and you guys did an amazing job. The kids had a ball looking at the cars and interacting with the drivers. The costumes, fun and generosity was unbelievable. This week the Year 3-6 students will write a thank you letter to Variety NSW for their donation and the visit. The students were able to display a thank you message using the ozobots which were purchased with the Variety donation. This was very well received.
Staff Professional Development
Last week Mrs Savill attended a Gifted and Talented PD and this week I am attending an Australian Curriculum planning PD in Roma. Whilst we don’t like to leave the school, these learning opportunities are crucial for the continued development and learning for our staff and the future direction of the school. Jo and I will be sharing our new learnings with the rest of the staff during staff meetings this term.
Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. To celebrate this week, we will be visiting Tara Shire College to participate in the festivities and develop our understanding of what reconciliation really means. On Friday all Year 2-6 students will travel to Tara with Mrs Baker, Mrs Neale and Diana. Please ensure everyone has a packed lunch. Morning Tea will be provided. There will be no tuckshop at school this day.
Brain Teaser
A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells the owner he’s bankrupt. Why?
Attendance Percentage
Until next time,