Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry:
Reading: Aim to read for 15 minutes per night – practice reading out loud!
Inquiry: Talk to family members about why it is important to consider things from another person’s perspective. Can you think of an example of when you’ve done this?
Learning this week:
Spelling: Year 3 sound focus this week is ai, ay and a_e, with a grammar focus on the verb ‘to be’. Year 4 sound focus is on schwa /er/ with a grammar focus on identifying verb tenses.
You might like to write out your spelling words for additional practice:
Year 3 – ai, ay, a_e | Year 4 – schwa /er/ |
stay tail male spray shape
crayon painting mainly layer escape pancake
birthday yesterday waiting ailing animate decade | pattern referee opera cavern modern manners
general interest average weather different interrupt
exaggerate whether caterpillar desperate rhinoceros temperature |
Writer’s Workshop:We are continuing with parts of speech, with a focus on writing and editing a polished piece.
Reader’s Workshop: To link with our Inquiry, we will continue exploring character perspectives.
Mathematics: We will be demonstrating our understanding of graphing by formulating our own questions and surveying those around us.
Unit of Inquiry: Through “Peacemaking”, we will be exploring the topics of emotion, connection and kindness.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Chelsie Riches, Emily Gower and Jade Fielke