Year 2/3

Year 2/3 Cluster News
Home Inquiry
High Frequency Words: We are re-testing these at school at the moment, stay tuned for an updated list to be sent home for practicing. If a list is not sent home, this means that your child knows the first 300 Oxford words.
Reading: Aim to read 15 minutes at home per night.
Inquiry: Explore the months of the year this week. How many days are there in each month? Are there any fun ways to help us remember this? Does it create a pattern?
Learning this week:
Literacy: Jolly Spelling: Year 2 sound focus this week is: ai. The Year 3 sound focus this week is: ai, ay, a_e Below are the two lists of words we will be using at school to practise the sounds with.
Year 2 – ai | Year 3 – ai, ay, a_e | |
next quit make pay main clay waist rainstorm half quarter | stay tail male spray shape crayon painting mainly | layer escape pancake birthday yesterday waiting ailing animate decade |
Year 2 Key: underlined = revision words; bold = high frequency words
Learning this week:
Writer’s & Readers Workshop: we will continue exploring reading and writing poetry this week. We will be focusing on reading poetry aloud and adjusting our tones for effect and we will be looking to use rhyming words and poetic devices in our writing. We will introduce students to the structure of a limerick.
Mathematics: please note that we are currently working on telling the time and recognising the patterns that days, months and years create and not angles, and shape as previously stated.
Unit of Inquiry: We will continue our new Unit of Inquiry: How the World Works with a focus on Patterns. The Central Idea is Patterns in the world around us help us to make informed decisions. This unit of inquiry will be our Celebration of Learning Unit.
Premiers Reading Challenge – Please keep reading books at home to help your children to fill in their PRC lists. We will also be completing books as a class to help as well.
Premiers Be Active Challenge – Students will have the option to join us as we do it as a class or to individually track and record their physical activities over a four-week period. We will likely do this as a class at the beginning of Term 3.
Year 2/3 Celebration of Learning
Later this term we will be holding our classes Celebration of Learning. The evening will be a celebration of all the learning undertaken throughout our current unit of inquiry focusing on Patterns. Usually there is a performance aspect at the start, followed by a time for parents and children to discuss and share in the learning that has been completed.
Please save the date: Thursday 20th June, Week 8, in your diary with more information to come.
Glow Week
GLOW week is fast approaching! We are on the hunt for donations to help make the week a success. We would love donations of:
Cardboard boxes – all sizes
Cake decorating items (piping bags / tools etc)
Sand paper
Sample paint pots with some paint you are no longer using!
Please drop any donations into the office any time between now and the beginning of Week 9.
Glow Week will happen later this term in Week 9. If you want to be involved in the amazing week, please contact Cloe Richardson or Lauren Neumann via their emails:
2/3T Assembly Sharing
We have had another swap to the assembly roster – sorry everyone! We are now sharing next week (Monday 3rd of June) instead.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Brodie Trezona
Year 2/3 Teacher