Year 1/2

Year 1/2 Cluster News
Colour Run
Unfortunately the Colour Run has been postponed until next Friday, 7 June.
The online permission note found here needs to be completed for students to take part.
Students wear a white t-shirt on the day and older pants and joggers. They can bring clothes to change into afterwards. They will be given glasses and headbands.
Students not wanting to be covered in colour can wear a white shirt or their school uniform and run on the inside lane (away from the coloured powder).
Students not wanting to take part can cheer on their classmates.
Take Home Books
Decodable and interest books are being sent home in the clear plastic envelope. The note on Toddle explains the use of interest books.
Your child will need the clear plastic envelope at school in order to take books home. Interest books can be changed any day. We will remind students on Mondays.
Reading – We encourage approximately 10-15 minutes each night.
Home Inquiry
Which season is your favourite? Why? What activities do you like to do with your family or friends? How do you prepare for this activity? You could inquire into what other activities people like to do around the world in this season.
Mental Computation ideas
Subtraction by counting back
Learning for Week 6:
Reader’s Workshop mini lessons: we will continue exploring strategies for reading non-fiction texts, including visualising, summarising, questioning, making connections with prior knowledge and identifying valid sources of information.
Writer’s Workshop mini lessons: we will record key information from different sources in order to write information texts.
Each week there is a focus ‘sound of the week’. Students are introduced to groups of words which use the spelling patterns and revise the alternative spellings of vowel sounds.
The sound of the week is not intended to be a spelling list for you to teach your child at home. It is for you to be aware of what we are teaching at school and you are welcome to use the sound as a starting point for your child to share what they are learning.
Year 1 ‘qu’ e.g. queen
Videos to engage:
Year 2 ‘ou’ for /u/ eg. tough, country
Videos the engage:
Grammar Focus
Year 1: past tense e.g. skipped, ran
Year 2: Verb ‘to be’ e.g. I am happy.
Mathematics: We will continue investigating repeating (Y1) and growing (Y2) patterns and use tallies and tables to collect data.
Unit of Inquiry: Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: People live in and interact with the natural world.
Line of Inquiry 1: patterns in the natural world
Line of Inquiry 2: the impact of people’s actions on living things (Year 1)
Line of Inquiry 3: the impact of the natural world on our choices
Line of Inquiry 4: how Indigenous Australians interact with the natural world
Students look at patterns in seasons and their impact on people choices and the natural world.
Christian Studies: Christian Beliefs
Key Idea: Students explore and describe what it means to live in and care for the world (linked to Unit of Inquiry: Sharing the Planet).
Students consider their responsibilities as caretakers of our world, including land, animals, each other and ourselves.
Each day students need to bring the following. Please label everything.
Take Home Bags which are also for Library borrowing.
water bottles
a fruit/veg snack
lunch – ‘nude’ food (no wrappers), leave chocolates or lollies for home
hats and sunscreen are not needed
During the year we have excursions, a Year 1 Sleepover and a Year 2 Camp. We are planning excursions this term. If you would like to put in an expression of interest, please ensure you are a registered volunteer.
This involves having the following up to date:
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Responding to Abuse, Harm and Neglect training (RRHAN-EC)
Valuing Safe Communities (VSC) training
Library Borrowing
The whole class goes to the library on Wednesdays (Year 1/2Z) and Thursdays (Year 1/2AK). A reminder that individual students can borrow books on other days during the week if they would like new books before the class borrowing day.
May God bless your week,
Melanie and Ellen
Melanie Arnold
Tim Kriewaldt
Ellen Zimmer