
As you might have guessed from the grand plan to read through the whole Bible by the end of the year, with last week being the book of Job, this week (and for the next few weeks), we're up to the Book of Psalms.
There are 150 individual Psalms within the whole book of Psalms, and they are drawn from a wide range of historical contexts and periods - from the time of Moses (Psalm 90), through King David and Solomon (Psalm 3 and 72) through to the time of exile (Psalm 107) and into the post-exile period (Psalm 107).
The Psalms are all written in different types as well - either a communal or group lament, through to an individual lament, communal and individual thanksgiving and als some which are written in hymn style. They also anticipate Jesus' life on earth as our Saviour, and His death and resurrection.
The Psalms remind us of God's unchanging nature - they show us the wisdom and power of God, his love and righteousness as our Saviour, and also that God is the God and Father of Jesus. They give us an idea of the way that God's people continue as a line of generations throughout the Bible and point to the way that Jesus and the disciples, as well as the early church, used the psalms when they met together.
In Psalm 51: 1 - 4, it reads:
Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.
The psalm appeals to God for three things - forgiveness, personal and collective restoration. The psalmist also pledges to change their ways as a result of God's forgiveness. It reminds us that all sin is ultimately against God, and therefore final release from it can only come from God's forgiveness.
God, thank you for your word in the Psalms and for the great variety that shows our relationship with you and lets us know more about you in your glory. We thank you for the reminder in Psalm 51 of your love and forgiveness, and our reliance on your mercy and grace. Amen.
Will Wallace