School Values Focus

Mrs O'Riordan

School Values - Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Honesty and Learning

From previous correspondence you will recall that at Greenvale Primary School, we encourage and acknowledge expected behaviour, and discourage and follow up unexpected behaviour.


Our five school values (Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Honesty, and Learning) are taught, discussed, referred to, and addressed regularly during Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) explicit teaching time and during our Morning Circle Time. We also interweave these conversations and lessons through our everyday teaching.


The school value that we are continuing to focus on during the month of May and June is Respect. We particularly encourage our students to use expected language and kind words in and around our school community.


Staff will be reminding students to use expected language and kind words, and will be issuing School Values Notices when they hear swearing or unkind words at school.


We appreciate your support in helping us to discourage this behaviour at our school and encourage you to have conversations with your child about expected language and kind words. Having all parties on the same page keeps the message consistent for our students, that expected behaviour must be demonstrated while at school.