Education Week - Social and Emotional Learning

Mrs O'Riordan

Education Week - Social and Emotional Learning

Thank you for attending our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons during Education Week. There was such a positive buzz around the school. The students enjoyed showcasing their learning of the school values, expected behaviours, The Zones of Regulation, and Brain Breaks just to name a few.


SEL is integral to the social, emotional, and academic wellbeing of a student. We hope that you thoroughly enjoyed spending time in your child’s classroom, observing and being involved in an activity which taught a social or emotional skill. We hope you were also able to gauge the importance of developing skills in this area, and that you were able to take away some strategies or tools to use at home.


Without emotional regulation, academic learning cannot take place to its full potential. We encourage students to use tools to regulate, to have brain breaks between activities, to think about the perspective of others, to identify triggers within themselves of dysregulation, and to understand feelings and emotions more deeply to be able to understand others better.


Please feel free to speak to your child at home about SEL and encourage them to use tools they learn at school in the home setting too.


Should you have any questions about SEL, please speak to your child’s classroom teacher.


Greenvale Primary School Student Wellbeing Team