School Wide Positive Support (SWPBS)

Mrs O'Riordan

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPSB)

Expectations of Parents and Guardians at Greenvale Primary School

SWPBS is a framework that brings together school communities to develop positive, safe, and supportive learning cultures.


Our school has implemented and embedded an Expected Behaviour Matrix for students. The matrix lists expected behaviours of students at Greenvale Primary School, which are based on our 5 school values: Responsibility, Respect, Learning, Resilience, and Honesty.


To ensure that our wider school community is also included within our vision of creating a positive, safe, and supportive learning culture, a matrix of expectations has also been written for parents and guardians.


We seek your feedback and welcome your input and voice about our parent and guardian matrix through a parent forum.


A forum will run at two different times:

Wednesday July 17th from 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Friday July 19th from 9:00am – 10:00am


Tea, coffee, and light refreshments will be provided.


We look forward to your input and enthusiasm!

Greenvale Primary School Student Wellbeing Team