Mrs Francis coordinates District and Western Trial information for PSSA Sporting teams. Notes are sent home with students from school and will need to be returned to school to Mrs Francis before the due date.
Students cannot attend trials without this note being approved by the school and students' names entered into trials by the school.
Students can find out about upcoming trials by listening to Sentral announcements in class, and parents can find out about trials by reading this section of the newsletter.
PSSA School Teams
- Boys soccer - Mikayla McPhee and Leah Barber
- Cricket - Jeremy Thackray
- Girls Basketball - Kylee Francis
- Boys Basketball - Jay Datt
- Girls Touch Football - Sarah White and Kate White
- Netball - Nicola Reedy
- PSSA School Team Rugby League Stage 3 - Sophie Tilburg and Stephanie Solinas
- Peachey/Richardson Shield Stage 2 - Sophie Tilburg and Stephanie Solinas