From the Principal's Desk

Access to Ormond Road entrance
Next Tuesday 4th June there will be no access to the school via the Ormond Road gate for Before School Care and school drop off.
A new religious artwork and learning space is being installed in the Ormond Road playground that morning. All children will need to be dropped off at school via the Geelong Road entrance. Before School Care will also need to be accessed via the Geelong Road entrance and entry to the hall will be via the side door.
The installation work will be completed prior to afternoon pick up so the Ormond Road gate will be opened in the afternoon. Thank you for your understanding.
St Vincent de Paul Food Drive
Please go to the Religious Education and Social Justice page of the newsletter for details on how to support this cause.
By now all children should be well and truly wearing their full winter uniform. Details below:
Long grey trousers, grey socks, plain white skivvy (or blue school shirt), royal blue jumper, black shoes.
Blue checked skirt or navy slacks, plain white skivvy (or white blouse), royal blue jumper, navy tights or white socks, black shoes.
Sports uniforms are to be worn on days of Physical Education and Sports.
On really cold or wet days jackets can be worn to and from school and (if necessary) during playtimes. Many children are wearing a particular style of 'bomber jacket' at the moment and while it may look really smart it (along with other jackets) is not to replace the school uniform. All children should have the royal blue school jumper to wear when cold.
Movie Night Thank You
Thank you very much to the PFA for organising the Movie Night last week. Thank you also to the parents and staff who volunteered to supervise the evening. Fun was had by all!
Introducing the New Mr and Mrs Molluso
Congratulations to our beautiful bride Lauren Borg and her husband Pas who celebrated their marriage last Saturday. We wish both Lauren and Pas every happiness in the future.
Long Service Leave
Mrs Candice Rogers (Year 5/6 R) will be taking a period of Long Service Leave from Thursday 6th June to trek across Africa.
We wish her a safe and exciting journey and look forward to the many stories she will have to tell upon her return to work at the start of next term.
Miss Libby Napier, has been booked to teach the children in Candice's absence.
Mr Anthony Hyde is also taking a period of leave to undergo surgery for a total hip replacement. Please keep Tony in your prayers especially this Friday morning when he will be having his surgery.
Have a wonderful week,
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
(Acting Principal)