
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

Mary Help of Christians - 24th May 2024 

On the 24th May we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians. The feast focuses on Mary’s help to those in need through her intercession.  The establishment of the feast has an interesting story and unique place in the Catholic history of Australia. 


Pope Pius VII established the feast in 1815, in thanksgiving for his release after imprisonment. Australia, a new colony at the time, had no Catholic priests and therefore no Mass available. The faithful recited and relied on the Rosary to sustain the Catholic community. In 1844, Australia became the first country in the world to have Mary Help of Christians as Patroness. 


Prayer to Mary is a way of being drawn towards Jesus. We pray to Mary, help of Christians to be our guide and intercede on our behalf.



Sacrament of First Eucharist - Year 3 

On Sunday 19th of May, Saturday 25th of May & Sunday 26th of May,  students from year three have and will be receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist. This Sacrament is an opportunity for our Year 3 students to share in a sacred meal and receive Jesus for the first time. As Pope Francis states ‘The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace,’ meaning the Eucharist allows us to invite Jesus into our lives and give thanks for what He has done for us. 


Please keep all our Year 3 students in your prayers as they receive this special Sacrament. Thank you Father Richard and the Year 3 teachers for preparing the students. 



Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - June 7th 

The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, where this feast day is celebrated on the Friday following the third Sunday after Pentecost - 7th June. The tradition to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart has been since the 1600s. In this celebration the devoted members of the church assemble to honour the ‘sacred heart’ of Jesus Christ, reminding us of the mystery of the love of God for the people of all times (St John Paul II).

Many images have been created specifically to depict this feast day. Each depiction incorporates various symbols to explore the sacred heart of Jesus. 

  • The flame - The heart that burns with love for all of humanity. 
  • The cross- Symbolises the ultimate sacrifice of love for all
  • Thorns - The suffering and agony of the Lord in His passion and death. 
  • Wound & Blood - His side pierced on the Cross and His blood shed for us.

This feast allows us to recognise Jesus’ heart, longing for us to offer our love and devotion in return. 

To acknowledge this special feast day, we will be celebrating mass on Friday 7th of June at 9:15 am.