Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal 

Dear Parents


What a wonderful day we all had at our 2024 Athletics Carnival yesterday!


All our students displayed incredible enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and effort throughout the day. Whether sprinting down the track, leaping in the long jump pit or cheering from the side-lines, our student’s spirit and dedication was truly inspiring.



Whilst walking around the playground at recess and lunchtime, I am envious of some of the beautifully prepared lunches our students have in their lunchboxes.

A well-balanced lunchbox provides essential nutrients that are vital for a child's growth, development, and daily functioning. Including a variety of foods ensures children receive an adequate supply of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

We encourage parents to limit the inclusion of processed snack foods. Although convenient, these options are high in sugar and fat content and can cause fluctuating energy levels. This can result in poor concentration, reduced attention span, and decreased academic performance in school.


Below are some practical steps and helpful hints for limiting processed foods in lunchboxes:

  • Incorporate Whole Foods: Include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in lunchboxes.
  • Homemade Snacks: Prepare homemade snacks like vegetable sticks, yogurt, and whole-grain crackers instead of pre-packaged snacks.
  • Read Labels: When purchasing packaged foods, read nutrition labels carefully to avoid those high in sugars, unhealthy fats, and sodium.
  • Educate and Involve Children: Teach children about the benefits of healthy eating and involve them in meal planning and preparation to encourage better food choices.
  • Lead by Example: Model healthy eating behaviours at home, making whole foods a regular part of family meals.



A reminder that no child is allowed to bring foods that contain eggs or any type of nut to school. This includes any nut based spreads like Peanut butter or Nutella.


God bless, 
