
Ms Nellie Girgenti


School Attendance Matters


Dear parents,

School attendance is a vital aspect of your child’s education which plays a role in enhancing the lives of all students in our school. Every day of attendance adds to a student’s academic achievement and success at school, and conversely, every absence can impact their learning and progress. Consistent attendance plays a crucial role in your child's academic success, social development, and overall well-being.

Why Regular Attendance Matters

Regular attendance is a foundation for learning that helps children build and reinforce the fundamental skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. Missing school days can create gaps in learning that are difficult to bridge. 


Regular participation in class activities and group tasks at school helps children learn teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.


Consistent attendance establishes a routine and provides a structure, helping children to better understand and retain information. It also prepares them for the structured environment of higher education and future employment.


Attending school regularly allows children to form and build strong relationships with their peers and teachers. These relationships are essential for emotional support and the development of social skills and friendships. 


Regularly attending school also provides emotional and psychological benefits that include a sense of belonging to a school community and improved self-esteem. The children feel more connected and are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. Consistency in the school environment can reduce anxiety and help children feel more secure and confident.


In the long term, establishing good attendance habits early on sets the stage for future success. Studies have shown that children who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate high school and pursue higher education. It also teaches responsibility and commitment, qualities that are highly valued in the workplace.


When to Keep Your Child at Home


While regular attendance is important, there are times when your child should stay home:


  • Illness: If your child has a fever, contagious illness, or feels too unwell to participate in school activities.
  • Family Emergencies: Sometimes family matters require your child’s presence. Inform the school to ensure proper arrangements are made.

How Parents Can Help

  • Set a Regular Bedtime and Morning Routine: Ensure your child gets enough sleep and wakes up on time for school.
  • Create a Positive Attitude About School: Encourage your child to view school as a fun and important place to be.
  • Schedule Appointments Outside of School Hours: Whenever possible, arrange doctor’s appointments and other commitments outside of school time.
  • Stay Informed and Involved: Keep up with school events and stay in touch with your child’s teacher to monitor their progress and address any concerns.
  • Record your child’s absence and the reason. Upload any documentation eg.  medical certificate on COMPASS.

Extended Leave For Travel

Families may be planning extended travel. While family time and new experiences are invaluable, it's important to consider how extended absences from school can impact your child's education. It is important to make informed decisions about extended travel during the school year.  An Application for Extended Leave form should be obtained from the school office and submitted to the Principal for approval prior to travelling.

We understand that life happens, and there may be times when absences are unavoidable. However, we encourage you to minimise these instances to ensure your child gets the most out of their education. If you have any concerns or need support to improve your child’s attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via the school office.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

Warm regards,


Ms Nellie Girgenti 

Coordinator and Year 4 teacher