Principal's News

Mr Brian Anderson


Dear Parents & Carers,


First Eucharist

Please keep our Year 3 children in your prayers as they receive the sacrament for the first time this weekend. Some children celebrated this significant milestone last Sunday at a beautiful parish Mass.  

Athletics Carnival

Our community was blessed with perfect weather yesterday at Campbell Oval. The field was alive with excitement, competition, and laughter as the children enjoyed our Athletics Carnival. 


Congratulations to the Gold House for their first win since 2014!

A special shout out to the Blue House for their victory in the Gerry McInerney Parent-Teacher-Student Race.

Mr. McInerney was the first lay principal of St. Francis Xavier in 1986. The trophy was named in his honour due to his outstanding leadership. Mr. McInerney continues to take a keen interest in our school and keeps up to date with our achievements.



A huge thank you to Mrs. Pinto-Hayes for her expert planning and to all the staff for their support in ensuring the day ran smoothly. We also extend our gratitude to the many parent volunteers who helped make the day a success. Special thanks to Mr. Sama, Jacob’s dad in Year 4, for providing transportation for our carnival.


Superhero Fundraiser Day

Last week, the children enjoyed a fun-filled day for a great cause, raising $500 for the Holy Child Catholic School in Bethlehem. This will help the school purchase much-needed supplies. During my visit last year, I witnessed first-hand the pressing needs of this wonderful Catholic school.   

World Support Staff Day  

We recently celebrated our amazing support staff at St. Francis Xavier with a special liturgy and morning tea. This event helped convey to the children how much we value and appreciate our support staff. As I have often said, we could not run the school without them!

Friends of Francis Meeting 

Last week, we held our termly Friends of Francis meeting in the Kindergarten classrooms. These meetings provide a forum for parent discussion and updates on school achievements and future plans. The date for our Term 3 meeting will be shared next month.


Social Media     

Ihave received many positive comments about our new approach to social media this year. Facebook and Instagram are fantastic platforms for

showcasing the many great opportunities and events at St. Francis Xavier. Special thanks to Mr. Blasonato for creating such engaging content. Well done!

Student Work    


Emilia and Dimitra (2W) visited my office last week to show me their wonderful writing. Great work, girls!






Enjoy the weekend ahead.

Warm regards,
