Student Voice

Whole School Sorry Day Display

Students worked collaboratively to create an eye catching entrance to school.

In additon to the display some of the classes have been reading about the meaning of Sorry Day.


Sorry Day Excursion 

Some quotes from Aunty Diane Kerr (Local Elder) who opened the ceromony:

"We are journeying together."

"...looking back but not going backwards."

"It's good to have our future leaders here so we can hand down our stories to them."

"Whatever culture you are from, celebrate it and hand it down to your children. Don't ever lose it."

From Amelia -"I've never felt so welcome!"

National Simultaneous Story Time

Students engaging in Bowerbird Blues!


Year 2 Excursion to Bundoora Farm Homestead

Today the year 2 students dressed up in olden day attire to visit the Bundoora Farm Homestead and explore what it was like to live life as a child over a hundred years ago.


More pictures and student voice to follow next week.  Make sure you check back in!

House Captain Awards

Over the two weeks the House Captains presented awards at assembly to Allan from 4C and to Ollie from 5L.


Community Sport

Read the IPS SPORT page for what's on.


Competition Foundation to Year 2

Competition Year 3 to Year 6