Semester 2 Timetable Changes

From 17th June 2024

Mordialloc College

1 Station Street 

Mordialloc 3195 Victoria Australia

Telephone (+613) 9580 1184

Facsimile (+613) 9587 5443



Monday 6th May 2024


Dear Families,


In November 2023, Michelle shared that the College would be temporarily changing the timetable due to a number of issues relating to staffing and implementing Victorian Government reductions in teacher face-to-face teaching time. 


I’m pleased to inform you that as of Semester 2 (June 17th, 2024), we will be returning to our 2023 timetable; the key features of which are an 8.55am start to every school day, a 3.10pm finish on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and a 2.40pm finish on a Wednesday.


Can I reassure you that these changes are aimed at increasing your child’s face-to-face time with their classroom teachers, and will have no impact on any student’s subject choices. 

To make these changes work, since the beginning of 2024 I have had a relentless focus on increasing our staffing profile with qualified VIT registered staff; in a highly competitive market this has not been easy but, Mordialloc College’s excellent reputation has definitely been a draw when recruiting teachers. 


I am confident that our Semester 2 timetable will provide us with the opportunity to continue our tradition of delivering quality educational outcomes. 


Throughout the following weeks, we will share this information with students and as always, will happily answer any questions that you or your child might have about these changes.


If you do have any questions, please contact me via the school email. 


Again, please note that these timetable changes will not start until June 17th, 2024.


Kind regards,


Rachael Stone

(Acting Principal)