1/2 Astonish

With Mrs Alameddine

1/2 Astonish are excited to share the learning journey that we are engaged in this term. In guided reading, we are continuing to enhance our reading skills, comprehension, and fluency. Students have been using visual cues in texts to deepen their understanding and make connections between words and visuals. We have explored a variety of engaging stories, allowing students to practice predicting outcomes, retelling stories, and discussing characters and settings.


In writing, students are focusing on understanding informative texts about sea creatures. They are learning to gather information and present it in simple, yet descriptive sentences. This term, we've explored fascinating sea creatures such as sea turtles, seahorses and stingrays. Students have enjoyed researching interesting facts and using this knowledge to write informative descriptions.  In numeracy, we are learning to measure using informal units accurately. Students have been engaging in hands-on activities where they use objects like blocks and cubes to measure length.