Principals Report

Stephen O'Shannessy

Over the past two weeks, St Mary's has engaged with a professional photographer, Lars, from Open2view, to update and create an online media campaign to promote our wonderful school. The students, staff, and parents involved have all been fantastic. It is only when you are working within the school that you can thoroughly see how happy the students are, the engaging learning that takes place in the classroom, and how well the students respect one another. Capturing this via film and photo allows us to share a snippet of our week with the community, including some of the wonderful things that take place here at St Mary's.  


School Bonus

I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on a significant development concerning Labor's School Saving Bonus initiative. Last Friday, I held a meeting with Ripon MP Martha Haylett. During our discussion, I conveyed the various concerns and suggestions that many of you have raised about the School Saving Bonus program.


We discussed the eligibility criteria, the distribution process, and those who have been excluded from this policy. While the initiative is commendable, a means-tested approach would be less discriminatory and better serve the families of St Mary's and other Catholic or independent schools. 


Ms Haylett assured me that she understood the importance of these concerns and promised to relay our feedback to the Minister of Education during parliament this week.


Moving forward, Catholic Education Sandhurst and St Mary's Primary will continue to monitor the situation and keep the school community informed about any developments. Your input is invaluable, and I encourage you to continue sharing your thoughts regarding the School Saving Bonus program directly with Ms Haylett's office. Her contact details are as follows:   Ph: 03 5461 1255


School Uniform Policy 

As we progress through the school year, it is essential to reflect on the policies that help shape our educational environment. One such policy is the requirement for students to wear the correct school uniform. At St Mary's, we believe that school uniforms play a crucial role in creating solidarity amongst our community. 


Wearing the correct uniform establishes a clear guideline for appropriate school attire, ensuring that students are dressed suitably for the educational environment. At St Mary's, we prepare students for the future with our motto: Learning Today, Wisdom Tomorrow! Wearing a uniform teaches students the importance of dressing appropriately for different settings. This lesson in professionalism can be beneficial as students move on to higher education and eventually into the workforce, where dress codes and professional attire are required.


We understand minor adjustments may be required for some families, which is why we will use the remainder of Term Two to overcome any challenges with this policy. If any household has concerns about this, please come and see me. We appreciate your support in reinforcing this policy and ensuring that our students come to school dressed in accordance with the uniform guidelines.


Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us maintain a positive, inclusive, and productive school environment.


Run for Resilience

To conclude, if you are available this Sunday for a cause that is close to the hearts of many in St Mary's and the wider community, the Active Farmers—Run for Resilience is taking place at Bridgewater —it would be great to see everyone there. 


Kind Regards,