Deputy Principal's Message


Tell Them From Me student survey

Later this term, students in Yrs 4-6 will be completing the Tell Them From Me survey. Information regarding the survey will soon be sent home, including an opt-out note. 


The department and Ben Venue staff are committed to ensuring that every student has a voice in their learning and is known, valued and cared for at school. Tell Them From Me supports these goals by assisting schools to collect valuable data on student engagement and wellbeing from the perspective of the entire school community. The survey provides schools with an insight into student engagement, wellbeing and effective teaching practices, from the perspective of students. For more information, please visit the Tell Them From Me Parent Website .

Road safety - Arriving at school safely 

It is important for students to follow all road safety rules when coming to and from school. The safest way to access the Ben Venue Public School site is to use the zebra crossing on Erskine St, the student crossing on Rockvale Road, and the pedestrian crossings at the Marsh St intersection traffic lights. For more information and resources, go to the families section at


Lana Howlett

Deputy Principal