Laudato Si’ Week 

‘Seeds of Hope’

16 - 24 May 202

Laudato Si' week is a global celebration where we remember Pope Francis urging us in his encyclical Laudato Si’ to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor and to humbly place ourselves in communion with our common home. Significantly, Pope Francis promulgated Laudato si’ in 2015 on the Feast of Pentecost. This year’s Laudato Si’ Week theme is inspired by the symbol for Season of Creation 2024, “first fruits.” Let us be seeds of hope in our lives and our world, rooted in faith and love.


This year, Laudato Si’ Week will be celebrated in Australia from 16 - 26 May 2024, which coincides with Catholic Education Week in the Diocese of Sale and concludes on National Sorry Day. 


Please click on the link below to download the 'Celebration Guide' to fully experience this Laudato Si’ Week.