Community News

Mother's Day Stall Gratitude
As we wrap up another Mother's Day, we hope that you were truly blessed by your child(ren) this past weekend.
We wanted to share some gratitude to the Parents and Friends Committee who take time out of their busy lives to help make events like this past week's Mother's Day stall possible.
There is so much work that goes in behind the scenes from planting to setting up and even counting up all those little coins, we are so thankful to all who volunteered.
Missions Fundraiser coming up next week
In just 5 short weeks our Year 10 Missions Teams will be heading off to Vanuatu and Thailand to spread the good news of the Gospel. The funds raised for these teams will go directly to benefiting those in the respective countries, so we encourage you to give generously!
Dates for the diary:
Tuesday 21st May: Baked Goods Day for all Secondary Students. A range of baked goods will be available for purchase at recess. Cash is preferred, eftpos is available.
Friday 24th May: "Comfy Clothes" Day. All students can come out of uniform and are encouraged to bring a gold coin donation. Secondary students will also have a Sausage Sizzle during lunchtime. Sausages $3 and Drinks $2 (cash is preferred).
Look out for more information coming out in an email soon!
Company Meeting
Do you support the Vision and Values of the college and desire to serve our community through active membership of the PVCE?
Then why not join in at the next company meeting on Wednesday 29 May 7:30 pm in the Library Hub / Staff room.
Please come, be involved, and join us for supper afterwards.
Apply Now for 2026
Presentation Night - Save the Date
PVCC Presentation Night
Thursday: 21 November 2024
Community Bank Stadium, Diamond Creek
Please note: This event is being held during week 7 in Term 4, not during week 6 as in previous years.