Primary News

Grade 5/6 News

Last week students across the College acknowledged a significant date in the Indigenous calendar, Reconciliation week. One of the main events aligned with this year’s theme ‘Now More Than Ever’ was our visit from special guest Mitch Tambo. Mitch used song, dance and yarning to spread the importance of equality and justice to bridge the gap between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians. 

One grade 6 student said this about the performance “I like the reasons for your songs, like the healing. It made me feel good that someone is talking about and speaking up for Aboriginal people”. by Tyce.



Students also participated in our donation drive on ‘Wear It Yellow Day’. Sausages were offered for a gold coin donation with all money raised going to Children’s Ground. 






To wrap up the week, grade 5/6 students created and decorated clay beads to add to our collaborative 3D art display. Designs were inspired by Indigenous symbols including animal tracks, people and hunting tools. Keep a look out on social media in the coming weeks for our final product. It will be epic!

The Grade 5/6 Team

2025 Enrolments