Several members of the APF Victorian Branch Council along with Federal President Chris Chant attended the National Conference in South Australia hosted by SASSLA last week. We were joined by delegates from the WA branch of the APF making it a collaborative effort across the three southern states. The tri-state collaboration is crucial as we aim to influence policy and decision making at the federal level.
The conference featured insightful presentations, including one by Dr. Jane Wilkinson, head of Monash University’s research team, who is engaging with key educational stakeholders and organisations to investigate the "invisible labor" of school leadership. Daniel Healey from Leading Teams also delivered a compelling presentation on the importance of culture in leadership.
We had the privilege of hearing from the SA Minister for Education, Blair Boyer, who articulated the significance and importance of public education, expressing strong support and acknowledgement for its leaders. It was most assuring to hear Minister Blair recognise the continual and ever growing responsibilities placed upon schools as a result of societal issues and concerns. Minister Boyer offered unwavering commitment to address matters of concern and to do so in collaboration with the people who are tasked to lead and deliver, this being principals.