This week we celebrated Pentecost at Endeavour College.
Pentecost is a significant moment in the history of Christianity. It is the moment that God sent his Holy Spirit to dwell in those who had faith in Jesus. It is also an amazing moment in that in this moment God shows how inclusive his message is.
The book of Acts continues to demonstrate God’s inclusive nature, as first Jews, then Samaritans, and then Gentiles, receive the Holy Spirit. In the end, even those who had kept following John the Baptist instead of Jesus end up receiving the Holy Spirit. (See Acts 19:1-7)
At Endeavour, we know that it is the Holy Spirit who equips us to be inclusive like Jesus and to love like him. At our chapel service, we heard Acts 2:1-12 read in 6 languages: Italian, Croatian, Polish, Tigrinya, Swedish and Serbian, in recognition that God doesn’t want there to be any barriers between people and Jesus – least of all, language.
God’s love is like this. Reaching out to people, entering their world and speaking their language, is exactly what Jesus did when he became one of us. And it is what all Christians are asked to do today; to step into the world of others and to ‘speak their language’ to reach people where they are.
May all of us be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we may love and include others, just as Jesus does.
Chris Mann
College Pastor