Library News

Book Fair
Catch The Reading Bug
Wow! What a busy week we’ve had in the Library. The first Book Fair for 2024 was a huge success! How wonderful to be able to set up our own 'Book Shop' at school for a few days. Lots of parents took the opportunity to purchase some great new books. A huge and heartfelt thank you to all those who purchased books at the Book Fair. We receive a substantial commission from our sales which is spent resourcing our fantastic library.
National Simultaneous Storytime 2024
On Wednesday we participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS). This year the book was ‘Bowerbird Blues’ by Aura Parker. Each year, children across the country take part in the event by reading the same book and then engaging in classroom discussions and activities related to the book. The NSS is an annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books and it was definitely a fun and engaging day within our school.