
Food, Textiles, Agriculture and Health

Sweet Desires

Congratulations to all the amazing Sweet Desires students who planned, prepared and decorated their Celebration Cakes this week. Over the last two weeks, students have been busy baking, designing, and decorating their cakes. Students were incredibly engaged in their learning and produced the most beautiful cakes which they should all be so proud of. Their creativity and desire to succeed was highly commendable.


Year 7/8 Food Technology

Students successfully designed, produced, and presented their very own sweet or savoury muffins after investigating possible ideas that teenagers would like to eat. All of the muffins prepared meet the design brief and would be enjoyed by all who had the opportunity to taste them. Students have also been developing their knife skills by focusing on precision cuts they used in the preparation of their Minestrone soup. Students demonstrated a desire to achieve and performed this task extremely well. Their Minestrone soup, a winter favourite, was prepared using seasonal vegetables and served with a side of Turkish garlic bread.

Year 5/6 Technology - Textiles

It has been a hive of activity in the Textiles class as students have been busy sewing their Ugly Dolls together. Some students have finished and are now adding to their designs using the skills they have developed throughout the term. Well done Year 5/6 your Ugly Dolls are amazing!

Year 2/3/4 Food Technology

Students have travelled the world in 2/3/4 Technology Foods and produced Quesadilla, Pizza pockets and Chocolate Cookies. Students used mini tortillas filled with a Mexican inspired filling and toasted them in the sandwich maker. The Pizza pockets were made using puff pastry with a selection of pizza toppings and then sealed and baked them in the oven, Students had practice at using a knife, grating, and then sealing the pastry together with a fork. This week students made themselves a big chocolate cookie with a partner, looking at wet and dry ingredients and combining them together to make cookie dough. They are to be commended on their enthusiasm and willingness to learn!

Healthy Lunchboxes

A great way to ensure that your child eats what is in their lunchbox is to do some menu planning with your family. This way you give yourself the opportunity to save time, money, and most of all empower your child/ren to make healthy food choices everyday of the week. Please see information from the NAQ Australia with some great ideas and tools to enable you and your family to achieve this.

Mrs Annabel Hawkins

Technology – Food and Textiles