Primary News

Fish in a Tree is the year 5/6 class novel this year. We are reading together about Ally Nickerson, a young student with dyslexia who is finding school life very challenging. Students have worked collaboratively to create a fabulous poster which includes their reflections about the struggles Ally faces.
“Everyone is smart in different ways but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid.”
"Everyone is special in their own way - the quote means everyone is different and unique in their own way. I hate how people judge me on my colour and body, but my friends make me feel better."
"People have said that I am slow when I run but I think I am fast."
"I think the quote means that if you judge someone because they can’t do something they will feel stupid and think they will never be able to do something. Everyone is unique and you shouldn’t judge someone because they are different."
"If you judge someone by their disability they might never try again."
Kindergarten Visit
Last week the Kindergarten children visited the F-1 class. A very happy combined session was held in the Library where the F-1 students showed the younger students around and played games as well as reading books.
Hands on Learning
In the last few weeks, the students have been focusing on what responsibility looks like in action. They have participated in projects that allow them to focus on what they can do for others. Last Tuesday the students made up signage for the mosaics that have just been installed along the Edenhope Flora and Fauna nature reserve walking track. They worked very hard as a team, completing the signage in half and hour and doing a very professional job.
On Tuesday 28th May for Reconciliation week the hands-on learning class hosted a morning tea for culture (see this link Morning Tea For Culture 2024 ( and cooked 200 muffins to raise money for indigenous children in care. We invited the St Malachy's 5/6 class across to participate, raising $215 to date and plan to hold another morning tea nearer to the end of term to raise more funds to allow Indigenous Kids in Care to access cultural programs. Mrs Eastwood's former foster daughter and former Edenhope College student, Sarah Kennedy attended all day to assist and chat to students.
On Tuesday 21st May HOL students wrapped roses for delivery to Lakeside Living residents and for fundraising for the Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser. We have had a busy term so far and there is more interesting projects yet to tackle.