
Principal Report 

Year 9 VDSS Roadshow Goroke

Recently Year 9 students travelled to Goroke College for a SkillInvest VET Delivered in Secondary Schools Roadshow.

As part of developing options for students transitioning  into senior school studies, Year 9 have been exposed to a barrage of information to create a conversation with their parents, teachers and  career practitioners. Effective career education is essential to learning and wellbeing. It supports students’ engagement and motivation, empowers them to make informed decisions, and builds their confidence about their future.


The Year 9s have built their career Profile using CEAV Morrisby, they have had a conversation with external Career Practitioners. They have had career conversations with me, and some that are 15 years of age are currently organising work experience, to gauge their interest and aspirations.


At school we are in the midst of planning Timetables, marking Exam results and preparing reports to ensure our students have the foundation data to inform their future pathways.


Recently students joined together to gather information about Vocational Education and Training  and how to students can include VET in their VCE, VCE VM and VPC.


Skill Invest is one Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that delivers training programs in Agriculture, Equine, Automotive with Heavy Diesel stream in Year 2 and Building and Construction. Students listened to the trainers presentation on the individual courses and then students divided into areas of expressed interest for two x half hour sessions hands on.


Our students were so engaged, and I was so proud of them, when they slipped into study mode and then applied their new skills. 


ADF (Australian Defence Force) will be visiting Goroke in the coming weeks, and then students have the Wimmera careers Expo to be thoroughly emerged in possible options.

Active Citizenship

Students in Agriculture and Advance assisted the racing Club Committee to prepare for a weekend of Racing.


Students walked the 2500 metres around the track, standing up and clipping together a safety rail to assist the horses. Then students set up chairs, fencing and tables for the crowd.


All students jumped into any task asked of them. The Committee were very impressed with their behaviour and willingness to help. 

Josh Signs Up SBAT Certificate III Engineering: Fabrication

Josh has started his first day as a School Based Apprenticeship with Swift Engineering.

He will work with Steve on Monday, Tuesday, and attend Federation University TAFE on Wednesday. He will be at school on Thursday to finish up Year 12 and then attend work again on Friday. A lot of balls to juggles. But he will finish this year with Year 12 VCE VM, his SBAT rolls over to Full Apprenticeship with a number of credits towards his four years. Also he will receive completed Certificate II Engineering Nationally recognised Qualifications. Not bad for 13 years of school, Don't forget a drivers Licence. The difference between leaving school tomorrow completing only year 11 compared to leaving after he completes his Year 12  is $2500 more each year of his apprenticeship.

Using Adult 101 and WRS and PDS Knowledge and Skills to Shine. 

Thank you Sierra and Mikey for your help with catering for Information Nights.

Sierra in her happy place!
Sierra in her happy place!

Foundation & Year 7 Information

Thank you to prospective parents that attended Information nights for Foundation and Year 7. Both nights were well received. Those attending were informed, meeting teachers, leaders and enjoyed a yummy supper prepared and served by VCEVM and VPC students as part of their Personal Development studies: prepare a community event.

Mrs Donna Tucker

Assistant Principal