
Book Fair

A wonderful Book Fair was held again this year with all Edenhope and St Malachy's students having the chance to peruse and purchase books. Thank you to everyone who supported our Book Fair.  We took a little over $1000 in sales so will now be able to select quite a few new books for our shelves.

Matthew excited about the Swaddledok Book
Alex & Spencer
Ella & Olivia with the Ella & Olivia Books
Matthew excited about the Swaddledok Book
Alex & Spencer
Ella & Olivia with the Ella & Olivia Books

During the week of Book Fair, primary students participated in National Simultaneous Storytime 2024. Edenhope College was one of 21.969 locations across Australia with 2,359,147 eager listeners.


The selected book was Bowerbird Blues written and narrated by the books author Aura Parker. 

It was well received by both staff and students.

Edenhope College 

Library Reading Award

Students can earn them selves a certificate and prize when they borrow, read and return books.


10 Books - bronze star

20 Books - silver star

30 Books - gold star


Currently, the following students have earned themselves Bronze stars:


Olivia Brinckman

Ella Scott

Spencer Kelly

Edith Bentley

Matthew Altmann

William Browning Satatas

Piper Kelley

William Altmann

Harry Kelly

Winnie Carter


Our first Silver star award was presented to William Altmann


Congratulations and Well done to all those students

Lunchtime Activities

The Library continues to be a busy place at lunchtimes.