School Photos

Wednesday 12 June

MSP School Photographers are coming to Modbury School P-6 on Wednesday, 12 June to take our school photos. 


Individually marked envelopes with a unique 'shoot key' are being sent home today for those students that have permission to have their photograph taken. Use the shoot key on your envelope to order online. Even if you order online please ensure you return your completed envelope to the school on photo day. 

Payments can be made direct to the photographers online or CORRECT money can be placed in the envelope (please seal the envelope) and retuned with the student on photo day.


Please send your child to school in school uniform on photo  day. There is NO mop up day scheduled for our school, if your child is absent you will need to contact MSP for advice on how to get your child's photo taken.


Modbury School cannot accept payments in the office or give any change as this is a separate business to our school.

Sibling envelopes are available from the office on request.

For split families, we kindly ask that you clearly mark your envelope Mum or Dad's copy.


For enquiries please call MSP on 8132 1148 or email