Learning & Teaching
Michela Vella and Josy Reeder
Learning & Teaching
Michela Vella and Josy Reeder
A special mention to 2EB and 2MV who are really leading the way in active participants! Well done Grade 2’s!
⭐Star Readers This Week⭐
Prep: Odin M (PEJ)
Junior: Maree M & Damian V (2MV)
Middle: Sophia K (3/4TR)
Senior: Peter K (5/6NC)
On Monday afternoon, OLA staff worked with Kate Korber from ‘The Inquiry Project’ to explore how we can unpack the meaning of big ideas and concepts that underpin learning about Australian History.
Kate used the QFT (Question Formulation Technique) to lead staff in developing guiding and continuing questions for our Term 3 topic on Australian History, making learning more engaging and student centered.
Each level started with a QFocus (Question Focus), prompting us to generate a variety of questions. We refined these questions by categorising them as open or closed questions, and then converted closed questions to open-ended ones to promote deeper inquiry. This approach encourages curiosity and critical thinking from our students.
Teachers then chose the most significant questions to drive the exploration and understanding of historical topics and determined how each question would help our students learn. This will help us create a more interactive and meaningful history curriculum that connects past events to the present, making the subject more relatable and engaging for our young learners.
We look forward to completing our planners and are excited for next term's learning!
Michela Vella and Josy Reeder