Education in Faith
Michela Vella
Education in Faith
Michela Vella
On Friday 7 June the Catholic Church will celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We are reminded that Jesus’ Sacred Heart shows us how we should love, how to reach out to others, showing the same love and mercy Jesus showed us.
Over the past month we have been collecting non-perishable food items to share with those who are less fortunate than ourselves. In this way we do as Jesus asked; to love one another.
We gathered as a community to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart on Thursday. Our Mini Vinnie Leaders lead us in prayer and did so beautifully. We thank Tony from the 'Care for our Common Home' Group who joined us in prayer.
We thank all families for donating to the Winter Appeal to support the people most in need in our local community. We will still be collecting donations until the end of term.
A Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
You have shown us the way to the Father,
and sent the Holy Spirit to guide us.
We ask you to inspire us to act in this time of need.
Bless and protect the vulnerable.
Give hope to all,
and fill our hearts with confidence in your Divine Mercy.
Be our joy in the midst of suffering,
and our stability in the midst of uncertainty.
We seek your forgiveness.
We need your boundless love to inform our concrete love for all humanity.
Protect us from all harm.
Forgive our sins and ease our sufferings.
Grant healing and peace to all who are ill.
Strengthen our faith, and help us to give witness to your love.
You are our refuge.
You are our comfort.
You are our hope.
Through the intercession of Mary,
we come to your Most Sacred Heart,
and beseech your protection and blessing.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place all our trust in you.
The Prep students were very excited to come to school wearing their pyjamas, dressing gowns and slippers for a very special evening with their parents celebrating how we pray at OLA! We looked at ways we can pray at school and home and we participated in a special prayer time together. The students wrote their own prayer with their parents. We also decorated our own candles for our prayer spaces at home and reflected on the things we are grateful for in our lives.
Michela Vella
Religious Education Leader