Year 3 Excursion Recounts

Royal Botanical Gardens Poem by Jack S

We excitedly hopped on the bus, 

could you believe it was all of us.

Off to the Royal Botanical Gardens we go, 

maybe we'll see a river flow.

Our instructors, Jacobi and Claire were there.

We had some exploring time after the tour

but at the end of the day we wanted more.


Royal Botanical Gardens Poem by Emmy

The bees are buzzing, we're on the bus.

Jacobi meets us without a fuss.

We sit down, have a snack under a tree,

the leaves fall down on me.

While we snack we chatter, chat, chat

about the fun under the sun.

The leaves sing to the wind while we walk around. 

The day has come to have some fun. 

We talk and chat on the grass, then Jacobie tells a story. 

A story about Bunjil, the creator.

Once the stories are done,

We go class to class and have some fun.

With Jacobi and Claire we walk and talk to learn new things. 

Some things whistle, some things rope.

The time has come to go home,

back to our home of school.

I go home with my mum. The day was fun but I'm exhausted.


Royal Botanical Gardens by Claudia

My favourite part of our excursion on Friday was the rainforest. 

It had lots of interesting parts; water features with stepping stones, little rock fountains that I thought were cute, bridges, and even waterfalls in the little rainforest.

I also liked the strings we made because even though it was hard I kept on going and never gave up.  The Royal Botanical Gardens were so fun I hope I can go again. I also loved having fun with my friends.


Royal Botanical Gardens by Maximillian

The Royal Botanical Gardens were great. First we went on a bus, and when we got there we met a man named Jacobi, he was a nice guy. Jacobi showed us snake whistles. You had to practice for a bit of time and then you got the hang of it. Some people did it on their first try. After we went to a rainforest, we smelt some leaves, it was so nice. We came back and Jacobi showed us some tools. We then swapped and a lady called Claire showed us how to make rope stuff. Then our group went and saw lots of things, we saw secret footpaths, ducks and lakes. We came back to school, it was a great trip.

I liked the Royal Botanical Gardens, now I want to go again.


Royal Botanical Gardens by Wyatt

My favourite part is when we had free time. We split into groups of 8-10 people. We had 8 people;Alexander, Jordan, Maximillian, Hunter, Sam, Max, Nicholas and me. We discovered a lot of cool places with Mrs. Pepper. It was amazing, then we found a lot of funky shaped trees. We all had a blast but it was time to go back. We had one last trip through the childrens' gardens, I had found a huge cucumber. We played a short game of tag and then we went back to school.