Co-curricular - Senior Sport

NSWCIS Cross Country

Four SPC boys represented the ISA at the NSWCIS Cross Country Carnival on Thursday last week in wet and windy conditions out at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre in Horsley Park. Nathan Campbell came 30thth in the 8km, Benjamin Proszenko came 33rd in the 14km, Charlie Ackland came 19th and Archie Ackland 14th in the 3km, all in their respective age groups. Well done to all involved.

ISA Rugby

Congratulations to Alexander Raheb (U16) and Alex Conti (Opens) for being chosen to represent ISA Rugby Union. Best of luck!

Outside Achievements

Pio Lee of Year 8 represented NSW in the National Judo Championships over the weekend. Pio placed second in the Senior Boys U15 competition. Well done on an outstanding achievement Pio!

Weekend Fixtures

A reminder that there are two more rounds left of Term 2. ISA Rugby kicks off this Saturday 15 June, good luck to all involved.


A reminder that all boys are expected to arrive at their sporting fixtures 30 minutes before it is scheduled to start, given the unpredictability of Sydney traffic, where possible aiming to arrive 45 minutes before the start time is largely recommended by the College’s Sports Department. Arriving early ensures an adequate warm-up and assists coaches to have their teams as prepared as possible to take on opposition. 


All boys are expected to have the mobile number of multiple members of their team and their coach’s email address. This way if they are running late for any reason, they will be able to communicate with a teammate who can inform the coach. On the rare occasion that a boy is unwell and not able to attend their fixture, an email should be sent to myself, the Head or MIC of their chosen sport and their coach as early as possible Saturday morning. This will allow for the team to prepare best for their fixture. Any leave requests should be sent to myself and the Director of Co-Curricular, Mr Calavassy as early as possible.


Thank you once again to the players, coaches, parents/carers, and everyone else involved in sport at SPC for your continued efforts.


Samuel Boggs

Head of Sport