Prep A - Levi V - For always making good choices in the classroom and being a role model in Prep A! Keep it up superstar

Prep B - Stella M - Her participation during numeracy lessons, constantly sharing her answers to the class and willingness to give problem solving tasks a go. Keep it up Stella!

Prep C -Patrick S - for your hard work in writing. It has been so good to see you trying hard, sounding out your sounds and beginning to write sentences. Keep up the great work! 


12A - Bodhi H - For being such a kind and caring class member. 1/2A is lucky to have you! 

12B - Arlon D - For sharing his knowledge with the class during our literacy sessions. Keep it up! 

12C - Evie C - For stepping up and being a great support to those in need. You are such a wonderful helper in 1/2C!


34A - Athena N - For always trying her best in all aspects of her learning. You are such a quiet achiever and an all round great Eastie!

34B - Ella McD - For always working hard in all areas of the curriculum and being a responsible class representative for our student voice team. 

34C - Ella C - For always trying her best at school and becoming a great Eastie!


56A - Ryder D-L - His positive attitude towards his learning. It is great to see that you are progressing in all areas. Well done, Ryder!

56B - Sam G - For having an excellent attitude towards his learning. 

56C Charlie F - her wise contributions during class discussions. We love hearing what you have to say, Charlie. You listen beautifully and offer your opinions respectfully and thoughtfully.

56D - Blake A - For always being a kind and polite member of 5/6D. You always greet other students and teachers with a smile on your face each morning. 



Prep A - Grace A - For your impressive number formation to 50. I love how 

you take great pride in your formation of numbers. Keep it up

12A - Memphis G - For working hard on recognising and representing numbers 1-10. Keep up the amazing work! 

34A - Nimmi J - For your impressive efforts during recent assessment tasks and showing great growth across all areas of maths. Well done Champ!

56D - Matilda D - For working hard to order objects using their units of measurement of mass. Great job Tilly!


Prep A - Barabuy G - For your impressive letter sound knowledge and giving all areas of literacy a go. You surprise me everyday with your knowledge. Great work superstar!

12A - Hamish B - For applying your knowledge around learnt digraphs in writing this week. Keep up the amazing work! 

34A - Kael K - For his enthusiasm towards his ‘Book of the Year’ writing. It is awesome to see you excited about writing Kael. 

56D - Hayden C - For careful consideration into the presentation of your Book of the Year. I love the pride you are taking in your work, keep it up!